Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More sharkies

I saw some awesome shark designs on Andrew Shek's blog the other day and was inspired to draw some more sharks.

Some short and longfin makos in flash/photoshop:

Pelagic thresher shark doodle on some scrap paper:

And for old times' sake....


Carrie Liao said...

I love your sharks!

Maha said...

These are great!

Mike Moloney said...

cool sharks, i love the first batch.

Chris Silva said...

good o'l shark in slacks. I really like the thresher shark.

Jeremy Polgar said...

Yeah, the shark leg-man guy always gets me.

Márley Floripa said...

I like vey much hahahaahaha... shark and boss, what do you think???? hehehe congratulations

Megan Nicole Dong said...

Thanks all!