Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cutesy Cute

My weekend ended on a rather sour note. Sunday I received a letter from my health insurance provider informing me that they would not grant me an individual plan because of my asthma and BMI. I've spent the last couple of days writing appeals, researching other alternatives, and filling out overly detailed application forms to other companies. Initially I was I just feel drained.

I wanted to draw some cute and happy things for myself yesterday. Things that would distract me from these unfortunate circumstances. And so I drew some cutesy hammerhead sharks in my sketchbooks.

One page of cutesy:

This is a page in my sketchbook that got out of hand. These are pencil/watercolor sharks. I threw a little digital paint on it because my watercolors were messy and they scanned even messier. (Boo!) Nevertheless, I kind of like how silly the idea is, and I'd like to do something with it. Maybe I'll make a looping animation or make a series of little paintings...


  1. you should animate that cycle, give it a try. looks really fun

  2. haha so cute! that animation would be amazing!

  3. you are brilliant. Just went through your whole archive. Absolutely inspiring.

  4. Lovely work, really cool blog. I think I share your appreciation for sharks too.

    Sorry to hear bout the health insurance thing - you should move somewhere with universal health care!

  5. Hey Megan,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog :) Your work is awesome btw!

  6. Thank you guys for the kind words!

    Ben & Carrie--I think I will try to animate'll be a fun and silly exercise.

    Ken--This insurance debacle has been frustrating indeed. I'm hoping they improve the system in the US (moving is tempting though)
