Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stuck in Line with a Staring Child

Loosely based on recent events:

I've been in this specific situation a few times in my life. I'm standing in an insanely long line at a post office, the DMV or the doctors' office, and I happen to be standing right behind a mother with a young child who is staring blankly at me the entire time. No smile, no frown, just an entirely neutral expression. It's not the kid's fault--he's probably more bored than I am and is just spacing out in my general direction. And being stuck behind a grown-up with the stares would be far more uncomfortable. But I just don't have a knack with children.



  1. haha, awesome. That kid deserved it.

  2. I wasn't TRYING to terrify him. I was just making silly faces, or so I thought.

  3. This is fantastic, this happens to me too, what I usually end up doing is surrendering to the kid and not making any eye contact as their stare drills into me...

  4. What is WITH kids today. I used to remember them being amused by anything. Now when I make faces at them they don't laugh, cry or ANYTHING. They just looks at me like, "What an asshole."

  5. XD

    What kind of kid just stares, what a crazy world we live in.
    (he probably just wanted money)

  6. Brian--I've done that too because it's SUPER uncomfortable. I'll probably use the avoid eye contact method again from now on (after making a child cry)

    Parker--I don't know! About a month ago, I saw a mom trying to play with her son (who looked like he was about 5 or 6). He looked his mom dead in the eye and exclaimed "Please stop it--you're invading my personal space!"

    Zoe--haha, you're probably right!

  7. Ahhh...a vasectomy never sounded so good.

    Fantastic sequence of drawings.

  8. lol awesome, i love that kids expression, it's so cute. You've been churning out some terrific work.

  9. punk kid. He can dish out the silly time but can't take it, huh. awesome work.

  10. "Please stop it--you're invading my personal space!". Wow, LoL!

    I wish I would've got away with that. My parents would've responded in this manner- "Oh, you think you have personal space now, huh? I'll show you personal!" And slowly draw out a tattered brown leather belt nicknamed 'Mr. Brown'.
