Thursday, April 15, 2010

Zoo Drawings

I went to the LA zoo today with some friends from Titmouse. It was a lot of fun and I hope to do this more often. My animal drawing is rusty at best, but I found some pages to post. I will return to the LA zoo for round 2 this Saturday, with school friends (anyone who wants to meet us there is welcome! We'll probably be there around noon).


The koalas were awake when we got to their enclosure! And posing like Betty Paige no less:

Sadly only 1 giraffe drawing done. We got to the enclosure shortly before closing and we saw him for maybe two freaking minutes before they put him away.


Gorillas are cool! Alas, I suck at drawing them:

I drew these flamingos from memory and colored it with a highlighter and a couple of markers. It's a fun time of the year to draw flamingos at the zoo. Normally I skip over them because they're so smelly, but it's mating season and the males are now doing their courtship displays/fighting with each other for female attention:


  1. oh man, the koalas are never awake when I go!
    Very nice sketches! :)

  2. Awesome sketches, Megan!!! Really solid!

  3. These are super awesome! Especially the (sexy) Koalas. Wish I could've made it out that day. Maybe next time.

  4. pretttty stuff. Hope the koalas didn't get all crazy like on teh yootoob. hehe.

  5. Thanks so much guys.

    Jeremy--totally. Hopefully next time more of us can go.

    Allison--the koalas didn't get as crazy as they do on yootoobz, but they did jump around like spider man.
