Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My New Neighbor and the Smoking Biebers

Last week, we got new neighbors. Sam and I haven't officially met the two girls who moved into the apartment, but we've seen them around our complex. My very first (Twilight-Zone-ish) encounter with one of them is depicted in the sketchbook page below:

The girl was standing by the stairwell surrounded by a brigade of skinny jean-wearing boys with Justin Bieber haircuts. All of them were smoking and chattering in squeaky adolescent voices.


  1. smoking IN the building!?? for shame!! I love that top left bieb

  2. sweet!...sounds like a hip new pop band.

  3. This is wonderful. I love the kid with the Ramones haircut.

  4. Thanks guys!

    Matt--haha, I should clarify, the stairwell is actually outside, so they weren't being completely unreasonable. I only hold a grudge because they were completely blocking the stairs. Grr.

  5. that's truly frightening. her in the middle reminds me of breakfast at tiffany's minus the beibers.
