Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ooh La La

Titmouse is located in a charming little West Hollywood neighborhood. The streets surrounding the studio make up the natural habitat of crazy hobos, roaming Scientologists, and tranny hookers.

Here's a quick doodle of my favorite local tranny. I usually see her riding her bike down Lexington Ave in the morning. I'm pretty sure everyone at the studio is familiar with this one. I call her Laddy Gaga and I want to know her makeup secrets.


  1. i dont think i've seen this one, theres a lady ride a bicycle with a fake motorcycle front. maybe they are the same person

  2. Man, riding a bike in heels! That's a tough one! She's quite skilled.

  3. what if she has the internet and stumbles across this image!? You should be ashamed...

    ..ashamed you don't have those kinds of makeup skills

  4. I suppose she's a tranvestite (or am I too litteral?)I saw one in New York disguised in Jackie Kennedy(in pink coco chanel).

  5. Ben--haha there are a lot of weird, weird people in this neighborhood. I love the idea fake motorcycle bike; I haven't seen that one yet!

    Carrie--She's very good at what she does.

    Matt--I will hang my head in shame and ask for her to teach me her ways.

    Etienne--haha, you aren't being too literal, she is definitely a transvestite. The Jackie Kennedy one you describe sounds fabulous!
