Monday, September 13, 2010

Who Knows What Evil Lurks Within the Hearts of Men?

This guy might:

During my drive in to work, I often see some interesting looking pedestrians. A couple mornings ago I spotted this head-turner at an intersection. He was dressed a lot like The Shadow, with a wide-brimmed hat, a long coat, etc. He did not, however, have a proper scarf to wear over his face so he improvised by donning a child's button-up t-shirt instead. He also had random articles of clothing tied around his sleeves and they swooshed like a cape when he moved. He did quite a bit of pacing and erratic swishing and glaring in the short time I was stopped at that light. Hands down my favorite crazy person and/or hobo of the month.


  1. This is amazing. That is all I have to say. Amazing.

  2. haha! This turned out great! He is so mad, running with that newspaper

  3. Hehe. Perhaps he could be a new supervillain...'Shirtface.'

  4. I'd say no way you saw a guy wearing that, but it's too absurd for it to be made up. Great memory drawings.

  5. crazies equal tons of inspiration. what a charming fellow.

  6. Awesome crazy guy. We get some of these in downtown Atlanta too. I haven't seen anyone with such a flare for clothing misuse.

    Your design here is really cool. The colors work well. I love the way you drew the little shirt. Too funny.

  7. I'd hate to know what happened to the little kid who used to wear that shirt. O.o I'm gonna be on the look-out for this mysterious fella now.

  8. Haha! Awesome. I wanna scarf like that. But red.

  9. LMAO! This is amazing! I wish I would've seen this guy in person!

  10. Thanks you guys!

    Moro--"Shirtface!" That is an awesome Supervillain name.

    Matt--If I hadn't seen him myself, I wouldn't believe me either.

    Ryan--:( Yea this thought did occur to me too. Since he did have what appeared to be lady pants tied around one arm, I just like to think that this guy raided some stranger's basket of clothes at the laundromat or something.

    Everett--I wish I saw him again so I could take a picture or something! I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for a second sighting.

  11. Truely awesome.

    The real world certainly contains more crazy characters than we could ever come up with!
