Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't photograph Laser Nessie

Laser Nessie is a random character that I started doodling one late night a couple of years ago. I don't quite remember why I decided to draw him, but I can tell you that Laser Nessie has the ability to fly, usually vertically, because he wears a propeller beanie. He also has bionic eyes that allow him to shoot lasers and he hates cryptozoologists (especially those who wake him up early).

For some reason I felt like drawing some Laser Nessies.

Some random Nessies:

And Laser Nessie chasing those pesky cryptozoologists:


  1. Ha! I love the gently sorrowing Nessie on the bench.

  2. Hahaha, crazy awesome. You should totally do a series on this guy.

  3. haha!! this is brilliant! too much fun!

  4. Great blog Megan! Love your character design and your crisp style!

  5. Nessie! Laser Nessie!! I've never seen him over here, but thats probably for the best - he might have laser beamed me!
