Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Parking Lots and Crimes Against Humanity

I thought I'd share the tale of a truly disturbing encounter I had a couple of evenings ago. I had headed down to a FedEx Kinko's to take care of some errands. The particular FedEx I'd gone to is located inside a busy shopping center, nestled against a popular family restaurant. I knew parking was going to be hard to find, and I was fine with circling the lot for a little while.

At some point, I rounded a corner and noticed what appeared to be an empty space...

Once I got there, I discovered that the space wasn't quite as empty as I'd hoped. No, there was no car there, but instead, a very hostile looking clump of pedestrians. They were obviously a family waiting for another member of their party to arrive so they could go eat at the nearby restaurant. For the record, people saving parking spots by standing in them is one of my biggest driving/parking pet peeves, so I was pretty irritated by this situation.

As annoyed as I was, I wasn't going to make a scene. Especially since this particular group appeared to be members of a pretty ordinary, but angry-looking family. And there, standing at the front of them was a young mom with a baby. I wasn't going to honk at a baby. Right as I shifted into reverse, the situation took an unexpected turn...

The rest of the family stepped back behind the curb while the lady lumbered forward...

And then she...

And then she was all and they were all...

I backed the hell away. Found parking elsewhere, went to mail my things and drove home. In my years of witnessing all kinds of road rage and general bad driving behavior, I have never, ever seen a lady put her baby on the ground to reserve a parking spot. Maybe I should have called child services. What's the most shocking behavior you've ever seen?


  1. Dayum! The question to ask yourself in that situation is: what's the ground clearance of my car?

  2. AAHAHAHH Wooooow...... that. is. so. ridiculous. People are so crazy.

  3. ha! I love her expression in the last panel. "YOU STEPPIN'???" i almost had an parking altercation once at the rose bowl flea market. people suck!

  4. I put a baby on the ground to open a beer once. He didn't mind though, cause the beer was for him.

  5. next time, park right infront of the lady , lock the car and walk a way

  6. OH MY GOODNESS! that's INSANE. You have the best stories :] sorry they caused you grief

  7. What the HELL? So funny and horrible. But mostly funny!

  8. hahaha makes for a great story !

    thanks for sharing your pain

  9. Here in Argentina parents just put the baby car onto the street to make you stop you car, I think people sometimes have childs just to use them like excuses.


  10. Otto--hah, seriously

    Casey--hahaha...I think that thought actually did enter my brain for a split second.

    Gabby--Yea, sometimes people are just completely bonkers!

    Daisy--hahaha "You steppin"! I can totally see the flea market as being another place where crazy parking shenanigans occur!

    Gloryless--hah! This actually reminds me..I used to volunteer at the irwindale raceway concession stand in high school (to raise money for the band/orchestra) and I have seen a mom spill beer all over a baby before. She ordered 4 beers and placed them on top of the stroller. She couldn't keep up the balancing act as she wheeled the stroller away and a few seconds later her baby was covered in MGD.

    Ben--hah, perhaps I would have if I knew which car was hers. Or not. Goodness knows what kinds of damage that kind of a woman would inflict on my vehicle.

    Kendra--Haha, thanks! My life is generally boring, but once in a while something absurd happens and when it does, I draw it.

    Michael--Haha, thanks! And what the hell indeed!

    Mel--Thanks!! And sharing this was kind of therapeutic.

  11. Ha, crazy christmas season parking times!

  12. See this is why you need to shop with me.

    In this case, I would get out, unzip, and pee around the perimeter of the parking space.

    "Hey if you are marking your territory, I am just acknowledging it for any other of my pack.."

  13. Rad--haha, yes, fun times.

    Heath--Cripes, that just might work! Sounds like you're the right person to go shopping with this time of year.

  14. Thats just BIZARRE!!

    I have never heard of this before. Not the baby thing, the standing n spaces thing.

    And yeh... I think you did the right thing by just leaving... what creeps!

  15. I saw a lady ductape her baby to a parking meter rather than pay it...
    Not really.
    Great drawings, though. That's pretty sad.
