Monday, December 27, 2010

Rainbow's Double

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend (and that not too many of you ended up getting stuck at the airports).

Last week, Southern California experienced some uncharacteristically heavy rainfall. Just before the weekend, a break from the nonstop precipitation resulted in a brilliant double rainbow (all the way!). Like everyone else, I was reminded of a certain youtube phenomenon from earlier this year, but the double rainbow also stirred a childhood memory that I decided to doodle.

So here is the absolutely true story of "Rainbow's Double" (you may have to click these to read the text):

It was a successful dead-pet-swap. I didn't find out that I had owned 2 different betta fish until I was something like a senior in high school.

I actually found a photo of me and my fishy friend:

I have no idea if this is a picture of Rainbow or "Rainbow." In any case, I was really fond of my pet(s) and spent a lot of time pretending I could talk to him(them).


  1. hahaha.. great. my sister-in-law has a similar story involved a rabbit.

  2. BAWW! great story! My parents once told me I had squished my Siamese cat when I was little. But then I found out they got rid of it because I was allergic to it. Still! Silly parents and their ways of changing stories. :)

  3. Thanks you guys!

    Otto--hahaha, it's amazing how many parents have managed to pull this off with various kinds of pets. Did she remain blissfully unaware like I did or did she suspect something?

    Gabby--awww, they told you that you squished the cat??! Parents do say crazy things sometimes.

  4. Great story and very very well told. I'm content for the duration of my evening. As for you I bid a Happy New Years.

  5. The ending made me say "awwwwww" out loud.

    And the ninja dad part was hilarious.
    Great stuff!

  6. Hahaha, you're dad is awesome. BTW thanks for always stoppin' by my blog! Your comments are much appreciated...keep posting stories from your childhood!

  7. Jeremy--thanks Mister Polgar! Happy New Year to you too!

    Eric--thanks man! Glad you like the ninja stuff!

    Januel--thanks so much! Your blog is awesome and inspirational. And haha, I actually do have some more silly childhood stories I'll be drawing soon :)

  8. awww! that's the cutest comic ever! i love bettas, too... they're such great lil' fish! (my fav part is your dad's ninja flip up the stairs...) you should put this in a little sketchbook! : D

  9. Awwwww funny story and you're such a cutie little baby.

  10. Wow, it's a great story and really really well told!! It's not just a doodle. Really loving the pacing at the end. Your stories are really well told in the other posts too.
