Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dear blog...I miss my computer. Here are some photos of a couple of sketchbook drawings:

Girl at the coffee shop. I liked her shoes.

Man at the coffee shop. I liked his shorts and his pants and I liked that he wore both at the same time.

Some pen/watercolor studies from some fashion blogs:

These are some post-it drawings of Chaos the cat, who belongs to Chris' roommate:

Chaos demanding attention

Chris' after-work-ritual of picking up Chaos like a baby. This is how he reacts every time he senses judgment from me.

This has happened to me a couple of times when I've visited Chris & Nick's. I head into the bathroom to find Chaos in the bathtub (apparently he likes to sit under the tub faucet). He usually looks up at me like I've caught him doing something awful.

"More petting, less drawing!"


  1. Oooo...I like the first two drawings SO much. :) really beautiful!

  2. ooo these are beauuuutiiifuuulll :)!

  3. Great work, I'm lovin' these sketchbook drawings.

  4. A really great 'smile inducing' post - it's always the little things that we can relate to that makes us laugh.... I love ShortPants Guy! And the girl in the red dress is beautiful too.

  5. Keep the computerless sketches up! I love it! That's one of my resolutions. Sketch in sketchbook more.

  6. these are ALL sorts of awesome. The pose of the coffee shop girl is bang on.

  7. Absolutely fantasmical as always. More sketching is also one of my resolutions!

  8. Haha...great stuff as always, Megan! Great seeing you at the SketchCrawl...looking forward to seeing your sketches from that day :)

  9. The top colored ones are great, but my eyes keep floating back to the short-pants guy. If you make an animated gif of him, lemme know.

  10. awesome! you have some really solid stuff. glad i found your blog.

  11. Thanks guys!!!

    And Ryan...hmmmm...a shortspants gif sounds like it could be fun...

  12. Haha. Love the sketches. Very clear and full of energy.

  13. great stuff ! the two people at the coffee shop are my favorite ! this guy looks so ridiculous ! awesome = )

  14. Very cool! It's about time someone brought back the short/pants!
