Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad Laundry

When my brother was very young, he told me about a nightmare he had wherein he was chased around the house by an evil creature. The villain of his dream was not your garden-variety monster, witch, or ghost. It was an evil basket of dirty laundry. To eliminate any doubt that it was a malevolent being, the galloping, sentient laundry pile had a neon sign floating over it that read: "BASKET OF DIRTY BAD CLOTHES."

Something reminded me about this today so I drew it:

The subconscious mind is a fascinating thing. Does anyone else have any memorable "dream villains?"


  1. I was once the villain in my own dream. I was the Predator, and I was running around fighting Mulder and Scully. Unlike every other dream where you run slower than the monster chasing you, I was super-speedy, and Mulder and Scully couldn't hit me with their bullets.

    Yeah, it was pretty rad.

  2. Hah! Wow...That sounds like it would have been awesome.

  3. I used to have terrible dreams where my teeth fell out. I guess my dream villain was poor dental hygiene?

  4. A very tall, scary statue of Abraham Lincoln.

    It would jump out at me every time I passed by on the way to the bathroom.

  5. Carrie--I think the teeth falling out one is common! And very scary.

    Tara--Haha, that sounds oddly terrifying! A moving statue of Abraham Lincoln would be the very last thing I would expect to encounter in the hallway.

  6. One night when I was very young, my sister and I were sleeping on the floor of my parents bedroom. I had a dream that some kid was bullying me. I was passive in reality, but luckily in my dream I had the courage to stand up for myself. So I threw a punch and knocked him the fuck out. I woke to my sister crying. In my sleep I had punched her back extremely hard. Worst. Brother. Ever.

  7. @ Januel - LOL!

    A maverick laundry basket that reeks of BO owns all my nightmare creatures. To have a villain that can watch you as you sleep, make you worry without fail, and never be argued with...that's a tough one.

    Awesome story sketch!

  8. Januel--hahaha oh man, you were one of those violent sleepers! I remember having to share a bed with my brother years and years ago when we went on family trips. He used to kick me off the bed while fast asleep.

    Jesse--Haha, thanks!!

  9. that'll make ya wear clean underwear

  10. Really wonderful work as usual, Megan! Wow! Loving your coffee shop sketches...and your portfolio site is killer! Keep it up! You're an inspiration :) Hope to see you around soon!

  11. Scariest kid nightmare I ever had was during a bout of chicken pox; It started as a pinhole of light appearing on the wall which kept getting bigger and bigger until a flashlight emerged. Then a tentacle arm holding the flashlight popped out, which was followed by an octopus holding the flashlight. It was moving towards my bed so I called my parents in to save me, but everytime they left my bedroom the process would start all over again with the pinhole light. It was absolutely horrifying.
    My brother had the pox at the same time but in his nightmare he was being attacked by birds. Yawn.

  12. that monster is currently chasing me ( my wife would like me to confront it... )

    nother beauty of a post!

  13. hahah great one, Megan. I has a dream about getting chased by hundred of babies.. I dunno why they're so scary that time (I like kids in general).. I remembered that they kept drooling at me (the ones that clinging on my feet and arms). Scaryy.. :P

  14. When I was a kid, I had a dream that a laughing pirate was in the vents of my Grandma's house. His head would pop up around the vents, intensely laughing at me.

  15. Hi Megan Nicole Dong, you should post something new. I like your stuff. That's all.

  16. Ahh, I've been gone for too long! I will resume posting very, very soon! :)

  17. ok stupid, thanks for the kind words EWW what is that a comment?
