Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sketchbook stuff (and my portfolio website)

I finally got around to building my portfolio website. Still working out some of the kinks but it's online now! My latest storyboard sample can be found in the sequential section. Huge thanks to Chris for helping me get this set up.

I also scanned a few more sketchbook doodles and played with some of them in Photoshop.

These are some folks I saw in and around It's a Grind:

And these are some quick brush pen memory-sketches of a guy I saw while at a friend's b-day celebration at Red Lion Tavern. The room we were in was crowded to capacity (because Jeremy is so darn popular) and most people were busy eating/drinking/chatting. Everyone was sitting down except for this lone tall guy in a brown Hawaiian shirt who stood in the corner, slowly eating his food while glowering at the rest of us. He sometimes paused to read aloud from the book he brought, but he mostly just did this:

I wasn't scared of him...

I swear....


  1. Right on! The new site looks awesome.

  2. Lucky you are my class mate (same desk eh)!
    I fell even supecooler™

  3. hahahah how creepy of him (almost forever-alone haha) But, this is great! Yay portfolio site! I'll be happily exploring your site :)

  4. Haha, creeeeepy!
    Beautiful inks.<3

  5. Yay for portfolio!

    And I guess Francesco just trademarked his "supercooler"? hahaha.

  6. Carrie--Thanks! (and haha, I just read your two profile pictures as an expression change)

    Casey--thanks sir!

    Francesco--au contraire, it is I who feel supercooler™ for getting to sit at the same desk as you!

    Gabby--Thanks so much! And haha, you're right...almost forever alone.

    Constanza--thank you!

    Otto--haha, yea he was there a really long time!

    Davin--haha, thanks :)
    ...I mean @_@

    Fawn--lol, that he did!

  7. GREAT stuff. Great portfolio as well. cheers!

  8. Very nice and clean portfolio site! Cheers as well.

  9. woah.. creepy dude! hahaha.. Lovely drawings, Megan :)

  10. Vous avez un très bon blog avec beaucoup de bon travail.

  11. Reading aloud when you're by yourself at a public place is a solid red flag, but the psycho stare pretty much removes all doubt he cares. Wait, maybe it was performance art of some kind. Very funny drawing.

  12. hey its been a while!!

    haha! Man, he's not creepy at all. You do meet some weirdos tho... lovely sketches :D

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