Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Great Kumquat Disaster

The following is the unfortunate tale of an infamous day in Dong family history.

The year was nineteen ninety something. It was a sunny, summer afternoon and my younger brother Jeremy, little cousin Beth and I were hanging about my grandmother's backyard looking for ways to kill time while our parents and older cousins discussed various dull, grown-up topics inside the house.

In one corner of the yard stood a sizable, decades-old kumquat tree that bore hundreds of yellowy-orange fruit.

In an effort to alleviate our boredom, we decided to hold a contest to see who could throw a kumquat the highest.

In his effort to generate the force needed to throw the kumquat highest, Jeremy compromised his aim...

We watched, wide-eyed, as he accidentally hurled a kumquat right over the wall and into a neighbor's yard.


After watching the kumquat ricochet off of an air conditioning unit and land with a soft plop in the neighbor's yard, my brother came up with a way to make the game more interesting.

I bet you I can throw a kumquat into that vent thingy...

And that was when things spiraled out of control...

Initially our goal was to try and get a single kumquat through the grates of the AC unit but after many failed attempts, the three of us became consumed with an inexplicable desire to pelt the entire yard with kumquats.





Then, Bethany peeked over another wall and discovered another neighbor's yard.

Look guys! This person's yard has firewood!!

...But not enough KUMQUATS!!


I can't quite explain what motivated us to do what we did. We threw kumquat after kumquat as though possessed. After at least one full hour of this, we managed to blanket all three of my grandma's next door neighbors' backyards with fruit. Initially, we somehow felt accomplished and we celebrated our victory...

After a few minutes, the sense of jubilation subsided and was replaced by horrifying realization...

What have we


As the oldest, I felt obligated to formulate a plan. Unfortunately what I came up with didn't make much sense...


We have to hide this tree...

It was then one of the next door neighbors emerged from her house and strolled into her once pristine backyard.

Obviously she saw what we had done almost immediately.

And was not amused.

I'm going to tell your Grandma!!

We ran for it, agreeing to never speak of the incident ever again...

A few days later my Dad got a rather baffling phone call from my understandably pissed off grandmother.

They did WHAT?!?!


  1. dang, girl. I didn't read the story yet but how long did it take you to make this post? :O props

  2. Haha, it took a pretty long time! I drew everything on index cards and just scanning them took a while...

  3. what you guys felt, was the call of nature. Let me explain. After years of beeing there in a corner, forgotten and left to die, the kumquat used you as distributors of their plentiful seed. After that he surely died :_)

  4. You should've been an evil sibling and blamed it all on your brother and cousin. Awesome post Megan!

  5. Great post! Drawing after good

  6. Fully awesome! I used to do something like this too when I was young although it involved tennis balls and my neighbor's backyard with it's unbelievably soft grass...

    It was my excuse to rescue the tennis balls (which I would blame my dog for losing) just so I could feel the soft grass between my toes. Ha ha!

    Great post!!

  7. Outstanding! My favorite is when the lady is waving her dangle-flaps over the fence. Mmmmm.... dangle flaps....

  8. Ahahahaha, loved it. I should do this sometime with my memories or something.

    I enjoy very much your storytelling!

  9. I'm just glad you lived to tell the tale.

  10. really awesome! the ending panel is great. exxceelllent storytelling skillz.

  11. haha, good stuff. THanks for the fun post!

  12. Hahaha that was great! That must have been scary lol. Kind of like the movie The Sandlot, but not hehe. Love reading all your posts!

  13. Lol the fact that they were kumquats and not something boring like GRAAAPES enchanced the story appr. 10,000 times :D :D

    Awesome work as always

  14. tortuga--Hahaha, that's the best explanation I've heard so far!

    Chris--haha, thanks dood. Unfortunately the neighbor lady saw me at the scene of the crime.

    James--thanks James!!

    Kristian--thank you!

    Courtney--Thanks! Hah, it's funny how vividly we can remember some of the silly things we did as kids.

    Mike--Thanks! And I knew I could count on you to notice the dangly flaps.

    Constanza--I'd love to see any of your own stories as well!

    Anthony--Me too! It was a close call for the three of us.

    David--Thanks so much!!

    Ryan--thank YOU for the nice comment! And for making an awesome mustache short!

    Gabby--Thanks! And, yea we were pretty terrified!

    Stu--Haha, seriously! "Kumquat" is a terribly silly sounding word. And thanks!

  15. WTF! old lady should be so pleased. You're just helping the fruit share its seed into many lawns and spread. The entire neighborhood needs kumquats! Doesn't old lady Milarsy desire small delicious fruit?!

    Also, sweet post!

  16. So funny! Always a treat to see your work! Great stuff as always, Megan :)

  17. haha, love the sonic boom! makes me want to draw out a similar story involving tangerines except those aren't as nearly as cool as kumquats. :P

  18. Megan! I love your blog!!! It's awesome. This made me LOL sooooo hard, David was like "what is so funny?!" I kept imagining you and Beth and Jeremy doing this and I am still chuckling to myself. HILARIOUs. you are so talented!!!

  19. I always wondered what it looked like =D

  20. Great story tellin'! I especially like the aerial downshot, that got me but good!
    My neighbor's kids had the same idea once and pelted my backyard with a hundred polished flower bed rocks. At first I thought I had been hit by a freak meteor shower. They caught hell from their dad when I went next door to ask him if he'd also been hit by meteorites as well, and then he recognized his rocks. Oops. A few days later I found a paper airplane in my backyard that had an apology note from one of the kids. That was cute, I thought. Put it on my fridge.

  21. That was awesome! I especially like the "We have to hide this tree..." panel. :D I wish I had your sense of storytelling!

  22. Hello Megan Nicole.
    Thank you for your gentle comment.

    I really like your stuff.
    This last post is sensational!
    You are in my favorite links since I started my blog!

  23. Francesco--Thanks :)

    Mike--Old Lady Milarsy didn't appreciate the gifts we left her at all! And thanks :)

    Vivian--thanks lady!

    Davin--haha, you did the same thing but with tangerines? That's a story I'd like to see!


    Rachel--thanks so much! Glad it made you laugh, haha I showed it to Beth & Jacob over the weekend.

    Angela--hahaha, and now you know!

    Ted--Kids do strange things! But a paper airplane apology note is pretty adorable.

    Chris--Thanks! Unfortunately I did actually say that line is funny looking back on it though!

    Alex--Hi there and thanks so much!!

  24. This is sooo epicly told, Megan! Things kids would do. I wouldn't have thought kumquats could be quite troublesome.

  25. Awesome story. I love to see these little illustrated/storyboarded family histories.
    Great blog!

  26. This is AMAZING!!
    Really great job!!
    Super fun little story and really well composed!!
    You have a fantastic blog!
    I'l make sure to come back soon! :)
    Best wishes,

  27. This is so awesome Meg - love hearing about your past through storyboards!

    Would you ever consider drawing a moment from my childhood where I stole from my parents pockets a little everyday so I could buy TIME magazine's 1st look at the Ewoks.

    My Mom said ' he wouldn't steal - he is in kindergarten!' Little did she know that I kept the magazine in bushes and peeked at it every morning before my walk to school.

    The next year I ditched school for a week to watch re-runs of the LoveBoat.
