Monday, June 27, 2011

Zoo Doodles (Zoodles?)

A few of us have been going to the zoo every couple of weeks to go sketching. So far it's been fun (though I still feel like I'm relearning how to draw animals). Here are a couple of pages I scanned:

Unfortunately, I completely forgot to bring sunblock to this last outing. My skin tends to get confused by prolonged exposure to sunlight, and this time around, I ended up with a couple of sunburned areas, some tanned areas, and more freckles (but only on one side of my face). Meanwhile, my legs did not tan at all:

Kids, wear your sunblock.


  1. i suffer from the same affliction...I have the most horrible sandal tan now... :(

  2. Zoodles!!! you should copyright that. amazing sketches as usual.

  3. awesome zoodles! i might go soon. drawing animals is tough.

  4. Bahaha I've had tans like that. The weirdest i've had was when I was wearing flat peep toe shoes.. take em off and it looks like you're wearing invisible shoes! Tehehe

  5. These are really cool megan! It seemed like everyone got a little burnt from our last outing.

  6. I got sunburnt too on my shoulders while standing in the sun drawing the elephants....which by the way came out GREAT in here!! All of these! :D

  7. Haha! That's great. Love the sketches!

  8. Carrie--Aww, awkward suntan high five! Hopefully the UV rays will be more forgiving next time!

    Nate--Thanks man! And I think I will! :D

    David--Thanks! It would be great if you could make it next time we all go!


    Chris--Thanks! Yea I think everyone ended up sweaty and bacon!

    Alina--Thanks for the kind words!

    Christina--Aww, yea I think we all roasted at the elephant exhibit. There was no shade to be seen! And thank you :)

    Everett--Thanks so much!

    Rad--haha, it really was. I'm glad we all survived!

  9. Great sketches Megan and your last drawing crack me up ! I went to the Zoo last week end with my family , I can totally relate to your sun burn experience = )

  10. I love the zoo sketches. They're very fun and I love all the different animal poses. Beautiful work.
