Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pelagic Thresher! (Shark Week Sketch Jam Day 2)

A quick one for Day 2:

The Pelagic Thresher Shark is one of my all-time favorites. Here is a video of one swimming somewhere near the Philippines:

Join in! Check out the Shark Week Sketch Jam deviant art and blogger pages (and don't forget to stop by Kristen Campbell's page as well!)

More awesome Pelagic Thresher blogness:
Nate Villanueva
Tiffany Ford
Eric Wu
Ryan Deluca


  1. HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS SHARK BEFORE! hahah I Love the tail!

  2. I learn more about sharks at your blog than what Shark Week has ever told me. May be it was because I wasn't watching any of it.

    This shark is extra cool.

  3. That tail is FREAKY. I predict it's the first thing to go at the next evolutionary bottleneck.

  4. Rico--Yea, thresher sharks are wild-looking!

    Fawn--Haha, I'm glad this is educational! It must be because I saw Levar Burton at Comic Con :)

    Ryan--It is freaky isn't it??

  5. I like your character designs and these sharks are pretty cool!
