Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Out of Cat Food

(a bad situation for all)

It was great meeting a lot of you folks from blog-land at CTN-X! I hope you all have a happy Turkey Day!


  1. so cute! LOVE that hand, so dainty and girly! :D

  2. This is exactly how cats get hooked on PB&J sandwiches.

  3. Heyyyy this was me on Monday -- Except I'm not an attractive redhaired girl in a green shirt...yet.

  4. Aw, hehe poor kitty. Awesome to see you, we'll try and plan a karaoke date soon :D

  5. Out of cat food? There's three whole crumbs left!

  6. ha! I've been there! Deffo not a good situation!

  7. that's when you give him mashed potatoes mixed up with a chicken bouillon cube.

  8. Cheyenne--thanks!! :D

    Ryan--They're nutella and banana sandwiches in my household. No wonder Chaos hasn't lost any weight..

    Stu--Hah, now I'm trying to imagine Sassy Red-head Stu!

    Kendra--good to see you too! And yes! Sounds like fun :)

    Chris Y--I know right? Cats are so spoiled.

    Chris J--Haha, that wasn't my intention but I can totally see that!

    Sean--We've been cat-sitting for the last couple of months, so I'm new to all of this as well!

    Bao--Mashed potatoes...PB&J sandwiches...cats have it better than I'd have ever imagined!
