Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What If?

I'm excited to be participating in the "What If?" Show, which opens at 7PM this upcoming Saturday at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra. Come out and say hi! There also be a Jim Henson tribute show in the main gallery downstairs.

I drew no sharks but I couldn't resist the temptation to do something related to marine life.What if the Vampire Squid met the (Were)Wolf Eel? I painted these three pieces in gouache.

Here are the final pieces next to a print up of my digital studies.

Carrie stayed up with me and painted her own awesome "What if?" pieces. Check them out; they are adorable!


  1. They really turned out great! And to think, they were just blank pieces of board a few days ago... ;)

  2. sweet, two very BA creatures :] hope to see you there, looks like an awesome show + Jim Henson, whaattt!?! XD

  3. I like the concept of a werewolf eel.

  4. I love how on the squid is a total owl on the top one. These came out great! Best of luck with the show, "What if?" + Jim Henson will be pppaaacckkked.

  5. I've totally got my money on Vampire Squid. No one can compete with all of those legs.

  6. awesome stuff!!! Just figured u guys are roommates.. haha! I'm sure u guys influence each other a lot! Really colorful funny stuff, I love it, bot your pieces! :)

    And I love your frame! The wooden frame. Nice. :)

  7. I remember these at the show...nicely done!
