Sunday, January 8, 2012

Q POP Thailand Flood Relief Art Auction

Hello, all! This upcoming Saturday, January 14th, I will be participating in a group benefit show to raise funds for the flood crisis in Thailand. The auction will be at Q-Pop in Little Tokyo, so if you are in the LA area, please come out and contribute to this important cause!

I'm donating this original to the show:

Pangolin Party (5" x 7", gouache)


Edit: It has come to my attention that not everyone is familiar with the pangolin, so here is a photo of one:

Below is the flyer and here is a link to the Event page. Hope to see you all there!


Check out some other artist contributions:

Carrie Liao
Chris Battle
Stuart Livingston


  1. how cute! you guys are making me feel lazy... :P

  2. Stu--Thanks! And wait...YOU feel lazy? You just finished another comic!

    Claudio--Thank you!

  3. I had just learned about the pangolin myself, they look too cool to be real!
