Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another Ladybug

Here's a sketchbook doodle that I was too lazy to scan. Happy Valentine's Day, guys.

P.S. This week's drawing challenge is a tough one. We ended up with "Insecure Spam." Interpret that as you like. Also keep in mind that this is not specifically a character design challenge. I can't wait to see what people come up with this time...


  1. yeah. this one is sweet! maximum efficiency on the camera photo 'scan' routine too.

  2. I already did the drawing challenge for this week (yay proud of me)! But...uh...since there was no actual drawing involved I just sent it to you by email.

    Yay Ladybug lady! Redundancy ahoy!

  3. I really want to read this comic book. Please make one.
