Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Botched Photoshoot and the Gallery of "Ugly Sits"...

Happy Leap Day!! I hope you remembered to wear your blue and yellow :) I just bought some brand new index cards and thought it would be fun to scribble a story.

It was a lazy weekend morning, and Christmastime was near. I had recently decorated my place for the holidays with a small tree, some lights, and even fake snow on some of the furniture..

 I had my favorite coffee cup...
 And was ready for some quality spacing-out time in front of the TV.

I barely took my very first sip of coffee...
 When Chaos appeared on the TV stand.
He was perched on the soft pile of fake snow, beaming at me angelically.
 "It's a Christmas miracle!" I exclaimed, overwhelmed by this uncharacteristic display of cuteness.
 Chaos responded with a wave of adorableness, the levels of which have never been matched to this day.

 Just believe me, it was ridiculous...
I was pretty new to this business of cat-caretaking and it felt like we were sharing a genuine moment.

 Naturally I wanted to snap a photo for Chris:

 But when I returned with my camera...
 I found nothing but a cat imprint in the snow.

 I was deeply disappointed.

 Chaos had relocated himself to the shag carpet and had assumed his typical sitting posture (which gives him the appearance of a dumpling with back problems).

At that moment, I resolved to only collect photos of him demonstrating his poor posture (or "ugly sits" as Carrie and I call them).

So I'm sharing a small sampling of photos I've taken of Chaos. Please enjoy the Gallery of Ugly-Sits:

 the lotus position?


 Typical couch potato-ing

EDIT: Carrie reminded me to inform the general public that the bald, pink patch on his belly is his one of his bare, hairless, prominently nippled moobs. Chaos. What a creature of grace and beauty.

Do any of your dogs or cats have posture as poor as this?? And more importantly do any of you have documentation of your dogs or cats doing 'ugly sits' of their own?


  1. You should mention that that lil bald patch in the last pic is his nipple.

    ...oh wait, I just did.

  2. Love the story! I can't imagine Chaos being angelic. It's the moobs.

    Panini doesn't really sit in any position other than upright on her haunches, on her side, or lying down on her belly. It has nothing to do with being lady-like and probably all to do with protecting her soft, vulnerable, so-easy-to-poke belly. And given her scars and ragged ears... I'd say she's had reason to protect it.

  3. Can he be ANY more charming? <3 Cute story dude, I love it!

  4. Man. This cat is gonna have some major lower back problems when he's 40.

  5. It seems like nothing could sum up being a cat owner more perfectly than this post. Oh and you can never get a shot of them doing something awesome if you don't already have the camera in your hand. I can't help, but think Chaos is saying "Pikachu!" in the 14th shot.

  6. eti-kitt lessons can teach your lumped kitty to sit pretty.

  7. your kind of a crazy lady... I like it!

  8. HAHAHAAHHA That is awesome. Yeeep! My kitten sits like that sometimes. But I barely have time to catch it in time to take a picture of it! I have a lot of "look at how cute and sexy I am when I stretch out!" pics..

    Oh cats, you so silly!

  9. True masters at being unintentionally funny -- my cat's way too skinny to let the belly flow like that, but as far as acting a fool goes, she has her ways :P

  10. Had to keep my laughter in while reading this in Chuck's class :P
    The drawings are boarded really well!! Those photos are just MAGICAL.
    My cat is probably equal in fat to Chaos...he rolls around on the carpet and gets stuck on his back....

  11. Aahaha! This is hilarious! I definitely have some of my cat's ugly sits documented.

    Great post :)

  12. My cat does this all the time!! It's like he's sitting on his spine or something and it's REALLY freaking funny but also so unattractive. Only cats, right?

  13. Carrie--Hahaha! It is live! And now updated with a graphic description of his bald underbelly.

    Tarboosh--Thank you! And Panini is an elegant and classy babe. Hope she's adjusted more to the cold!

    Kristen--Aw, thanks so much! Chaos is a rather charming fatty :)

    Mike--I know right?? I should send him to charm school to get lessons on posture.

    Chris J--funny you should mention that! We've recently declared his theme song "Moobs Like Jabba."

    Breann--Haha, I know, they're such sly little brats.

    Ethan--Eti-kitt classes...I like! And cute picture :D

    James--I am delighted by the fact that you have a pug named Sneakers.

    Sean--Haha, why thank you.

    Gabby--Thanks!! Cats are such weirdos...

    Stu--Your cat plays fetch, Stu! Fetch!! I still can't get over that..

    Christina--thanks! And fat cat high five!


    Bethany--It seems our cats are trying their damndest to defy their reputation of being graceful.

  14. I love this so much!! Those ugly sits are glorious. My cat hasn't done an ugly sit yet, but she does a lot of spread eagle come-hither poses that we attribute to her being a skanky teen mom cat.

  15. Aw man I love cat stories :3 man I WISH my cat would sit like that...I'd die laughing everyday. Instead he likes to curl into a ball on top of the couch cushion and suck his thumb/paw. I need to find those pictures..:D

    p.s. the famous fetching kitty! man...i could not stop tripping when i saw a video clip

  16. Jen--Hahaha, skanky teen mom cats have no shame!

    Kat--thumb sucking?? That's freaking adorable.

  17. You're HILARIOUS!! And more ever is Chaos! I think I know more about Chaos than you through you're funny blog! :D Thanks for sharing!!

  18. My pug looks like a tiny old man when he sits.

  19. Haha this cracked me up.

    Your cat almost looks like a little monkey sitting there.

    Sure its a cat?

  20. man! chaos is just so darn Cute !!! feel like just lifting him up n shkuishing him. 0_0 . but seriously should they be sitting like that ?
