Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spidey Dates (For Stu)

Thanks everybody for the positive responses to the Ladybug! She's really fun to draw and I'm definitely going to have to do something more with her in the near future. For now, here are a couple of quick drawings of Spider-man on dates with Roach Woman, Lady Caterpiller, and Bumble-Babe inspired by this comment by Stu:

 (Thought 1 - hey she and Spiderman should get together 
Thought 2 - Spiderman should only ever date bug themed ladies)


  1. Love stings. So does the Queen Bee.

  2. WOw Lady Caterpillar's costume looks very uncomfortable...

  3. Oooh...Ladybug is pretty jealous there...

  4. "I heard that guy got with the whole hive..."

    Super hilarious, thanks Megan! :)

  5. you know.. some male spiders get eaten after.. "special dates" with other spiders. then again, some of his dates are different sorts of bugs. a man's gotta eat. or something like that.

    i hope the wasp girl isn't the type that lays eggs in others' abdomens only to have her larvae eat its way out when mature?

    i'm possibly thinking too hard about real spiders and bugs.

  6. I think the one girl bug that spidey wouldn't be able to handle would be mantis girlfriend

  7. hahaha duuddde pitch this to marvel!

  8. Lady Caterpillar is waaaay more into him than he is into her. Unless one of the clouds he is staring at resembles her.

  9. aw spidey, dont take bumble babe to the mall!

  10. Hahahah..Are these screen shots from this upcoming summer's The Amazing Spider-man!?
