Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Zoo Sketches

Went sketching at the zoo this weekend with Carrie Liao, Alice Herring, and Le Tang. Here are a few pages of doodles (again I touched some of these up with digital color).

Gerenuks are some of my favorite animals to draw:

The sleeping lioness and the creeper gerenuk. One of the gerenuks was spying on its pen mates from behind some rocks:

Normal giraffes, chubby giraffes...:

And a page of zebras:

Some of you guys have asked what pens I like to use for sketching. My current fave is the Pentel Sign Pen with a Brush Tip:

I also like using Sakura gel pens, and the Pentel Pocket Brush for looser sketching/adding black fills, etc.:

 And last but not least, this week's drawing challenge topic is Obsessive Pokémon!


  1. tee hee. CREEPER GERENUK. :D Also, I see an additional advantage to a smaller sketchbook: easier to scan.

  2. Those are quite possibly the best-drawn gerenuks I have ever seen.

  3. How does the drawing challenge work, yo?

  4. No shrimp chimps??

    Man...you draw so well it makes my teeth hurt @_@

  5. Haha, love the speech bubbles- great drawings too :)

  6. Girl, I love your sketches so much ♥

  7. The giraffe's got back : ) Nice sketches, those pens look sick!

  8. Hi!
    Following Austin Madison question..How does the challenge work?and..Is this opened to participate for everybody?

    Love your entries and draws, by the way!:D

  9. great sketches! did any of your friends draw a Panda doing some Kung Fu moves? JK...

  10. Awesome! Alright Megan, you're forcing me to bust out the brush pens again... *blows off dust* "KAFF! KOFF!"

  11. these are adorable, loce the giraffes and their speech bubbles! :D

  12. Alice--I don't think I'm ever going back to a bigger sketchbook! In addition to being easier to scan, small sketchbooks are so much easier to carry around!

    Aaron--Oh man, thanks!! Gerenuks are a favorite of mine.

    Austin--Will post more info about the drawing challenge tomorrow! We just got this thing started and are terribly disorganized at the moment :)

    Stu--No shrimp chimps this time! And..thanks! Your teeth shouldn't hurt on my account, you and Steph draw beautifully!

    Leighton--Thanks for the kind words (and for taking the time to read the silly speech bubbles)

    Le--Thank you! Where are your awesome sketches, Le?

    Constanza--Aww, thank you!! :D

    Chris--Indeed! :)

    Laurent--thank you!

    Lidix--So sorry about all the ambiguity. Yes, the drawing challenge is open to everyone and I will post something about the way everything works tomorrow!

    Kenji--Haha, seriously, right? And thanks!

    Everett--Dude, yes! I want to see more of your sketches!!

    Jasmine--Thank you very much!
