Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More Sketchbooking

I found a couple of markers in my desk drawer today so I decided to play a bit.

Some Barnes & Noble-persons (from last week's outing):

I'm taking a class at the Animation Guild with Carrie and Alice. I ended up singling out one of our classmates (who had a pretty awesome mustache):

Started this page during a meeting. The art PA on our show is a fantastic baker and today he brought us homemade cinnamon rolls (yum!). I blame this on the sugar high:

Bonus: here is a little gouache Mako on a story pad cover (because this blog has been more Malarkey than Sharky as of late):


  1. Shark Owl? That'd be so bad ass if that existed.

  2. these are awesome!!!!!yeah develop more this shark/owl mash up!!

  3. Awesooome! I love the boxing guy!! Your owl shark should meet my hummingbird shark... except he may eat her ;; aw. I love the guoache shark, too!

  4. wonderfull sketches :)
    There is a lot of life in them, and I like the dynamic lines

  5. Ogghhh that owl shark is awesome!! All animals should be combined with sharks...

  6. BWAHA I love owl shark!!!! make more please... now. or should i say, nowl?

  7. That gouache Mako is really great! I love the pink around the eye and around the mouth. It gives him (or her) extra warmth and girth somehow. Also, the paper texture makes it "pop" off the page.

    ...I like sharks.

  8. Love the grandpa boxer sketches! He seems very spunky/full of courage.

    Also, those owls seem pretty jealous that they're not getting baked goods.

    Wonderful sketches overall.
