Friday, December 14, 2012

"Black Christmas" Show at QPop

I recently did a couple of pieces for QPop's "Black Christmas" show (open to the public tomorrow, 12/15).
Here is a scan of some deep-sea mermaids I painted:

5x7" gouache and ink

Here are my two pieces in their frames:

Forgot to scan this one, but here is a poorly lit photo of it:

Many amazing artists are participating in this horror-themed show, so please check it out! More info on the show's flyer below, featuring artwork by the talented Stephanie Ramirez:


  1. Awesome!!!I love this pieces!.^^
    I would like testing some gouache sketchs again,I miss do something in "traditional art" ,I punish myself for not doing it since so many time!

  2. Dang it! These are right up my alley! I love them both!

    We should have done a "Secret Santa" exchange instead!

    Maybe next year?

    Anyhoo... to evil! (cling!a toast)


  3. These are Funky Fantastic. Good Luck with the show Meg.

  4. Wow, scary!!

    Besides, Megan, would you mind me asking how to make an animated gif like your banner? Thank you very much :)
