Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Chaos and I usually start our day...


  1. HAHA! My cat taps my face too. I've woken up several times with the cat sitting to my side and a paw an inch away from my face. Freaky!

  2. Haha!! Chaos is so annoying and cute! It's a paradox!

  3. As a new cat owner, I'm somewhat relieved that I'm not the only one dealing with a relentless cat alarm. Though, I'm a little disheartened that I might have to deal with it from here on out D:

  4. I love the panel of his shadow right before he belly flops on you :) Great stuff!

  5. Angel--Thanks! :)

    Lou--This seems to be a common tactic! Cats are weird, man.

    Nikhita--Haha, he certainly is both of those things!

    Rob--Congrats on joining the kitty club! I've only had Chaos for about a year so I'm a fairly new member myself. In my limited experience, I've found that there is no way to reprogram the cat alarm. It's a permanent deal.

    Dave--Thanks very much!! :)

  6. Hahaaa this is awesome, Megan! :D

  7. Bob--thanks so much, you're way too kind!

    Viv--Thank you!!

    Priscilla--Haha, indeed! I love them, but they're so weird!!
