Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shark Week Pt 01

Some Shark Week Sketch Jam sketchbook doodles:

Day 1:  The Spotted Houndshark

Day 2:  The Bull Shark

Day 3: The Epaulette Shark

 Day 4:  The Wobbegong (or Carpet Shark)

I've got more of them I still need to scan. I also have more sharks to draw and more terrible jokes to write, so I'll be posting more soon. Happy Shark Week!!!


  1. These are so FUNNY!
    Beautiful drawings, Megan.

  2. :D Man, shark week comes around quick doesn't it! Doesn't seem a few posts ago that I was checking out your drawings from the last one :P
    These are wicked btw. BULLTRUE!!

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