I think they're called Exotic cats, and they all have extremely flat faces and gigantic, wide set eyes. Many of them are hilariously fat and angry looking.
In Chris' opinion, every single one of these cats is absolutely adorable. In my opinion, some of these guys are a liiiittle scary:

Exhibit A:

hey hey hey!.......... my computer monitor looks NOTHING like that! Everything else... true. I loves me the ugly kittens :) Awesome drawing!
what are they called? i always called them the wilford brimley cats
funny drawing of chris, meg! haha
Hahaha, thanks! Chris told me they're called exotics, but I personally do prefer to think of them as diabeetus cats!
Like the one saying "Hi"
I love cats!, and those are pérfect!, lovely and angry! =D
Real cats have snouts! Love the face on that top, middle drawing.
lovely sketches - but yeh you're right... the cats themselves look a bit weird!!
Haha! So funny...great drawings, Megan!
i like the grey blob with ears. not sure what to do with one of those though!
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