We kept running into this lady for some reason. Her shorts, socks, and shoes ensemble caught my eye.

This couple spent a lot of time examining some decorative holiday deer sculpts. The two of them poked and prodded the deer, and the guy kept squeezing the deer's nose like one does when checking fruit for ripeness. Bizarre...

Ha, pretty funny! Cool blog btw too. :)
Ahh people, they're so silly sometimes haha. Loving your new header btw! :)
love it. I super love the new header too.
Well he Obviously wants to make sure his plastic deer are fresh, come on Megan, wouldn't YOU want them fresh! haha :P
Great stuff!
Hey thanks for remembering my blog! It was getting a bit dusty eh?
A pleasure to stop by your blog again. Lovely work as ever!
The deer-squeezing I get, but why the "sock lady" was stretching at Costco is beside me.
And I have to echo some others...your header is amazing. Really nice job with the concept AND the painting.
Chris--thanks! Your blog's awesome too
Gabby--There really are some strange people in Costcos. And thanks!
Matt--Thanks so much!
Kendra--Haha, you're right, who wants a stale plastic deer?
Ken--Of course I remembered! :D And thanks so much!
Ryan--sock lady was an odd one. Thanks; I'm glad you like the header! :)
Moro--Thanks for stoppin' by! Your work is great!
Hey, just stumbled across your blog and love it. Your little life observations have had me chuckling (choking) my way through my breakfast this morning.
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