Thursday, May 27, 2010

Couple of San Francisco Sketches

Last week, Chris and I took a trip to San Francisco. We had an amazing time! I'm so grateful for all of the people who took time from their busy schedules to show us around. In addition to traipsing about the city, we went to the Walt Disney Family Museum and got to take tours of Dreamworks PDI and Pixar--both studios were amazing. Huge thanks to Jesse Carlson, Melanie Cordan, and Aaron Hartline for being so generous and allowing us to see the studios. You guys are awesome!

We met up with Jesse the weekend we arrived. He was kind enough to take us around the city. On Saturday night, we crossed paths with this fellow, who offered us sagely advice:

And here is an illustration of some girls traveling by bus:


  1. haha i love that creepy dude, very cute story sketch drawing. Cannot wait for our class!!

  2. Hahaha What were you doing walking around Civic Center? Isn't that area kinda creepy?

  3. Thanks!

    Haha, yea the Civic Center area is kind of creepy. I don't remember exactly where we were but we were heading to a bar when we ran into the guy who decided to warn us just how creepy it is :)

  4. yeah chris told me about sketches!

  5. I have to admit, Is the first time I get here, but I will not miss your work again, it´s awsome!

    Greetings from Argentina!


  6. I really love this picture of the women on the bus. Just absolutely lovely.

  7. I actually suppose it is on the subway. It's actually a common mistake I make. I wake up on a moving public vehicle and have to figure out "bus or subway." Real shocker that time it was option C - ferry.

    Sorry. I ramble. Great work, though. Found your blog through GDGs, glad to be following now.
