Friday, June 11, 2010

Bollywood Gal

This week's Girls Drawin' Girls drawing theme was "Bollywood," so I did a digital illustration. To check out more Bollywood drawings and other awesome artwork, check out the Girls Drawin' Girls blog.


  1. This looks beautiful!
    Do you use any particular brushes/settings?

  2. Love the colors! Makes me want some mango lassi.

  3. wow! this is one of your strongest illustrations. Really great work!

  4. This is such a nice drawing, it would be cool if you added some texture or abstract Hindu designs to that background, just to liven it up. again, great drawing.

  5. Thanks guys!

    Carrie--Thanks for the kind words. I usually use custom brushes that I've gotten from other people at work. Check out Mike Foran's blog--he has a couple of neat tool presets that you can download for Photoshop.

    Maha--I love mangoes, and they are in season! Maybe my mind subconsciously chose mango-like colors because I've been craving mango lassi.

    Mike--Thanks! The pattern/texture thing is a great idea...I think I'll do some research on some designs to put in the bg.

  6. Really nice pose and color, Megan! I can hear the music playing already...

  7. Hey Megan! I just checked out your!!! Love your work!!!
    See you in class! :)

  8. Ryan--thanks so much! Your drawings are awesome.

    Vivian--thank you! I checked out your blog too--awesome stuff!
