Thursday, January 6, 2011

Levitation (aka my first lesson in physics)

Here is another true story from my childhood. This also took place when I was around preschool age.

Like most kids, I had a very random assortment of toys to play with when I was young. I also carried a baby-blanket everywhere, often draping it around my neck like a scarf.

One day a random but thrilling thought occurred to me.

My 3 1/2 year old brain had figured out how to levitate.

It was very simple. All I would need was my baby blanket and a little effort.

In my mind this was how it was going to work...please note that my unsophisticated childbrain did not yet have a full grasp on the workings of gravity (or the limitations of my upper body strength) and this made total sense to me:

It was going to be awesome.

Once I was able to levitate...I would float around to show people how freaking cool I was...

All of the other kids on the playground would be envious of me...

I would never have to worry about slogging through mud puddles after it rained.

I was going to make such a kick-ass ghost at Halloween.

I was going to be the coolest. kid. ever.

Unfortunately, I failed to be as awesome as I'd hoped.

This is the sad reality of what actually happened:

Epilogue..this didn't stop me from trying to replicate the "levitation experiment" with a jump rope mere days later.


  1. haha I tried this, too!

    I didn't fall asleep, though. I just fell over.

  2. love all these sequential stuff you are doing! keep up the gooood work~

  3. Carrie--Hahaha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried this! I wonder if a lot of kids did something like this at that age.

    Otto--thanks! And speaking of sequential stuff, I can't wait to see your comic.

  4. This is so cute!!! Your little life stories are super entertaining.

  5. LMAO! Awesome. I remember thinking much the same.

  6. Ahahahahah! Your little stories are so entertaining. I chuckled. Brings back old memories of what I used to do :) This kid back in middle school swore he could fly. So. During lunch time he'd try and jump off a little hill we had, but he'd tumble/roll all the way down in the grass. It was fun to watch him.

  7. gosh looking at these life stories makes me realize how much a bore i was as a kid. Its ok cuz these are sweet!

  8. Ahahaha! Great story! I love the way you drawing this! ahah

  9. :D Soooo great, Megan! Love it!!!

  10. Michael--thanks!! Your comics are super entertaining!

    Everett--hahaha, it seemed to make so much sense at that age, right? So glad that there are others out there who thought the same thing!

    Gabby--haha, that is too funny! Poor kid must've had a lot of grass stains on his clothes when he went back to class.

    Claudio--thanks! :)

    Vivian--Thanks Miss! Hope to see you around sometime soon. (Perhaps at the next sketchcrawl?)


  11. I was disappointed at the end of this story when it didn't work. Apparently, I still have a lot to learn about physics, too.

  12. I also thought you could parachute off your roof with a bed sheet. Thankfully I never had the nerve to try it.

  13. Nate (almost missed your comment)--Thanks! I'm sure you weren't a boring kid at all. You were probably just more clever than I was.

    Austin--hahaha, I know I sure was disappointed after I woke up from that nap.

    Everett--That totally jogged my memory...a childhood friend's little brother thought that he could do that too so he grabbed a sheet, climbed up the banister at the top of the staircase and leaped. Poor little guy had his leg in a cast all summer.

  14. I love your blog! You have such a great sense of humor!

  15. still seems like that should have worked.


  16. i really like your stories of childhood. it always brings back strange memories that i thought i'd forgotten.

  17. Hahaha I tried the same thing with moon shoes/basketball. Both ended badly. Great story!
