Monday, January 10, 2011

Shark Disguises

Scientists have known for years that sharks sometimes don disguises so that they may infiltrate human society. Contrary to popular belief, sharks operating incognito are usually harmless to humans. In most cases, such sharks are acting out of simple curiosity. Shark disguises were initially believed to be fairly basic:

But in recent years, scientists have discovered that some shark disguises are in fact quite advanced. Below are depictions of 3 common shark disguises...


Hammerhead sharks will sometime mimic chefs. Some have even been known to work at seafood restaurants for some time before being discovered and promptly shooed back to the ocean. A camouflaged hammerhead can be told apart from human chefs by telltale eye-holes on either side of the toque, the ill-fitting apron, and various taped on articles of clothing. Hammerhead chefs often use ketchup, barbecue sauce, or other kitchen items to draw crude faces on their torsos.


Many sharks have been known to mimic mimes. Note that these sharks often find "Mickey Mouse" type gloves (from stores or amusement parks) to conceal their pectoral fins. If unable to acquire white gloves, the sharks sometimes have to settle...


Pet lovers may want to do a quick once-over before bringing home a stray from the street or local animal shelter. Are fins present? If so, are whiskers, fur, or paws absent? Does the animal have the ability to bark or meow properly?

Should you encounter a disguised shark, you need not panic. Simply call your local fish & game department and report the animal's location.


  1. those shark chefs that are discovered in seafood restaurants are promptly shooed back to the ocean...and not turned into soup?

    I'd be more afraid for the shark than the people in that situation :)

    btw the hammerhead chef is the cutest of the lot, hands (fins?) down!

  2. hahaha, thanks. Hammerhead chefs tend to avoid Chinese restaurants for that very reason!

  3. AWESOME!!! I LOVE the shark chef! Plus I think I may now want a shark dog. Keep up the shark work!

  4. shark... we are shark's food and shark is our food...
    Hong Kong people love to eat shark fin, i don't know why but i don't like it

  5. these are hilarious. i really like the slightly expression change and hands on the foam finger mime shark.

  6. I knew there was something going on when everyone in my class but Gils McCoy caught the flu

  7. haha! these are so funny and cute! your blog is so full of life!:) Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  8. these are HILARIOUS! I especially love the hammer head chef. awesome!

  9. Ryan--thanks sir! So glad you like these shark posts. I believe you owe us all some dino drawings now??

    Tango--my mom's side of the family is from Hong Kong. I've had shark fin soup before and didn't care for it either.

    Angela--Hah, thanks Ms. Bao. And btw it was nice visiting with you during your break!

    Kristian--haha, he probably told everyone he'd just been taking lots of Emergen-C but you figured it out.

    Octavio--thanks!! I've really been digging the comics stuff you've been posting on your blog.

    Paul--thanks! Glad you like the chef :)

    Nikhita--thank you! That's very kind of you to say.

    Justin--Thanks man! The chef seems to be the favorite, haha.

  10. haha, nice! i want a shark dog even though it'd probably bite off my hands when i try to pet it.

  11. this is an AWEsome post! very nice blog, you have here
