Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Best Coffee Break Ever!!

I loved the awesome stories that Rad, Nate, and Fawn have posted recently. So I decided to share another true tale.

This took place at Titmouse on the Friday before Halloween, 2009. I had spent several nights after work earlier that week constructing my costume so I was kind of excited.

Fortunately I wasn't the only one who dressed up for work.

My morning was going pretty well so far..

Except for one thing...

I headed toward the kitchen to get my caffeine fix.

As I approached the lobby, I noticed a person waiting on the couch, reading a magazine.

He noticed me too and chuckled.

He then began singing the Jaws Theme as I approached.




I laughed as I rounded the corner, kitchen-bound.
I glanced behind me to see who this silly, singing stranger was...

And saw that Mark Hamill had resumed reading his magazine.

After returning to my desk, I thought about my brief encounter. Being the consummate professional that I was, I remained cool as a cucumber.

Here is a group photo from that day.


  1. That must have looked funny as hell, you walking around with that Jaws head on. Ha Ha.
    One halloween I hand-made a giant sock monkey costume, took me a solid week to make, so it was pretty accurate. Still have the head in the closet.

  2. You made the joker laugh, how cool is that!

  3. haha awesome story!! you're adorable :D

  4. Haha that is so cool! Major nerd cred! :)

    I never told you how much I loved your shark costume, but there you go. It's awesome.

  5. That's too funny! Nice touch with the blood too. :)

  6. Ted--Giant sock monkey costume! That sounds freaking amazing!

    Constanza--haha yea it was a little surreal :)

    Cheyenne--Thanks; I'm glad you liked the story!

    Rad--Thanks!! I can't wait to see Part II of you & Francesco's Hollywood adventure.

    Carrie--Hahah, that's pretty much what I was thinking I got back to my desk ("Holy crap, I gained so many nerd points today!") Thanks for the kind words about my duct-tapey, cardboardy costume

    Chris--thanks! Haha, the blood was a pretty last minute addition!

  7. Baha! That's an ending I didn't see coming!

  8. Bahahahaah that is hilarious. Awesome awesome awesome! I can't wait for Halloween this year! I actually have a plan bahahaa.

  9. That story is full of win. You should have seduced him to the shark side of the Force.

  10. Excellent! That picture in the end is great - I figured the costume would be somewhat more low-key than the drawing but, nope, that thing is wicked!

  11. LOL too rich. Those are always the best kinda celeb stories.

  12. Oh, this reminds me! On the way to work, I keep seeing a shark head for sale at an Antique shop on Victory in Burbank (close to W. Providencia Ave.). They place it on the sidewalk with a bunch of other odd items in the morning. You might want to swing by there and see if you can get a bargain price. Tell them you know Mark Hamill and I'm sure they'll knock off 20%.

  13. Mark Hamill once walked into my friend's cube while wandering around waiting for his voice session and picked up his vintage Yoda doll and started chatting to him about it.

    My buddy's mind exploded internally.

  14. impressive shark head! i wonder it is still on your head till now :)

  15. megan nicole dong, i love your work, it makes me smile.

  16. hahaha! i want a shark's head now.

  17. Aaaahahaha!!! awesome!! mee too, a shark head! you must've looked hilarious!

  18. Thanks everybody for the laughs!

    Austin--hahahaha! You're right, I should have made more of that Mark Encounter...

    Casey--thanks buddy! Yea, building that thing was a lot of work! Just getting the ground wire I used to make the frame into that shape was tough.

    Ryan--A shark head you say? Hmmm...I think I'm going to need to make a stop in Burbank...

    Chris--That is awesome!!

    Tango--haha, take a guess!

    Hat--thank you so much! I love your work!

    Davin & Nikhita--haha, well according to Ryan, there's this antique store in Burbank....

  19. I wanted to tell you on Saturday that I love this! So I'm telling you now: I HEART THIS EPIC STORY.

  20. Hey I found your blog through the CSUF PMC website. Great story..

    kinda random but I guess you like sharks and this is my current backpack:

    thought it was relevant..cool blog!

  21. haha! Awesome! Love the costume.

    By the way... do you like sharks or something? :D
