Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Blerg, I've been kind of busy lately. I'll try to update more soon. In the meantime, here is a girl:


  1. Awesome! Your work is soo cool Megan. I loved your storyboards on the aquarium too - very inspirational. : )

  2. I love the colors! Then again, I'm a sucker for purple. We should go sketching sometime :)

  3. I'm really digging the color on this. Something about it totally makes me think of Hoppper and that ain't a bad thing!

  4. please reserve a swing next to her for me

  5. She's so awesome. I want to be her friend. <3

  6. Hi Megan-your stuff is really beautiful. Love it all! Very inspiring-thanks for the jolt. : )

  7. put me at peace when i saw it. thank you

  8. NiiCcEeeE! She is gorgeous! :D

  9. Han--thank you so much!

    Carrie--Thanks! Haha, you know I think these were my favorite colors when I was a kid. I still love purple and turquoise to this day. And yes, we should definitely go sketching sometime soon!

    Casey--Haha, thanks!

    Claudio--Thanks :)

    Angel--Thank you

    Tango--haha, you got it.

    Gabby--Aw thanks! You're awesome.

    Kristian--haha, thank you!

    Jenny--Thanks so much!! I've been a fan of your work for a long time! Your drawings are super inspiring.

    Pargol--Thank you! :)

    Javier--Aw thanks!

    Chris--Thanks!! I wish my designs were as slick as yours!

    Fabian--Thank you! :)

  10. This is gorgeous! You really have a wonderful range. Keep up the great work, Megan! Hope to see you at the next SketchCrawl (if not sooner)!

  11. WOW!
    Beautiful and charming drawing!
    I'm glad I found your blog.

  12. The colors are SO nice!!!

    I had a quick question: How do you get your color "lines" so CLEAN and not goopy/choppy? I've seen tutorials on "no-line" colored images but when I take away my original line, my colors are bleeding and GUH....hope this doesn't bug ya but I figured since we've seen each other in person at the zoo that me asking a question on your work process would come off wierd..
