Friday, November 11, 2011

The Dress

Most people have anxiety dreams about terrifying free-falls, rapid tooth-loss, and the horror of leaving the house clad only in undergarments. My nightmares occasionally involve me being somewhere or doing something important and realizing that I am wearing my high school show choir dress:


  1. oh, THAT'S what it looks like...That's not too bad, I was thinking of something way more horrific :I

  2. You were in show choir?! That explains the awesome singing voice you've got:)

  3. Haha. I say rock the dress! Its not that bad.

  4. lovely dress! :P and i agree with Fawn, awesome singing voice!!

  5. Just say it's part of the board presentation. Getting into character :D

  6. funny anxiety dream but the dress looks pretty good. glad to have stumbled upon your blog . . . really like your drawings! :)

  7. You'd be surprised how many of us have this nightmare, Megan.

  8. Hahah what a strange fear! I thik that would actually be kinda cool. Yu could live your life like an episode of glee!

  9. I trust and hope that this is a 100% accurate representation of the dress.

    Also, I know what I'm going to be for Halloween next year.

  10. OMG!! I have the same dream as you! Same dress too!! OMG!!

  11. I 3rd Davin and Fawn. Amazing singing voice!

  12. I take it that I shouldn't wear that to the Dreamcrit. *sigh*

  13. OOOOOO gurl that dress so pretty!

  14. Carrie-Hahaha, I probably should have included our jean jackets, stage makeup and fake hair!

    James--It kind of does!

    Fawn--daww, thanks :P You girls have lovely singing voices too and it was so much fun to sing with yooo!

    Matias--By gum, you're right! I should wear this to every pitch :)

    Davin--Aw, thanks sir!

    Christina--It should be my official pitching outfit!

    Ben--Thank you!

    Austin--You'd probably wear this dress way better than I ever could!

    Gillibean--You know what? You guys are right...I should learn to embrace this fear :)

    Anthony--First of all, 100% accurate! And second, I would absolutely pay money to see that.

    Ted--omg! I thought I was the only one!

    Chris--Aww thanks! You guys are too kind.

    Tung--I never said you shouldn't wear it :) And good luck!!

    Rico--Hah, why thank you!

    Nate--Haha, thanks!!


    Stu--Aw, thanks DinoStu!

  15. Very Nice! you're going to have to show me how you did the sparklie's.
