Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Snuggie

When the Snuggie made its first appearance via late-night infomercials, I don't think anyone could have imagined that the product would ever achieve the kind of popularity it has. A couple of years, several parodies, and many pub crawls later, the sleeved blanket has become popular enough to justify the creation of Snuggie variations such as the Two Person Snuggie (for the couple that likes to be lonely, together):

And of course, this thing:

Now, even your pets can be a part of the fun! My cousin recently got my parents the Snuggie for Dogs as a gag gift. Naturally we had to make Daisy, the family Bichon Frise/Poodle mix, try it on. As you can probably tell from her facial expression, she loved it:

Later, I borrowed the sleeved blanket so I could make Chaos (current third roommate/foster child) a little more fashionable. Never before has a cat looked so regal :

But why stop at our four-legged friends, Snuggie creators? This of course has to be the next logical step:

I'm sure this would make many a salt-water aquarium owner very happy. But what would I know about sleeved-blankets? It's not like I own one or anything...

"Whaaaat?...I'm coping with being unemployed just fine.."

"I'm doing so well that...that I'm definitely not wearing a zebra-print snuggie as a sweater and eating a plate of bacon and boysenberry pie for lunch because that's the only food I have left in my fridge--"



  1. I have a blanket that I use as a ghetto version of snuggie. Hopefully, I'll have a real one when I grow up.

  2. fawn, when you grow up you can have both a snuggie and a costco size box of otter pops.

    Megan, sweet post and drawings. Thanks for coming out on all this, and making the rest of us feel a little more normal and less lazy and scummy.

  3. Don't listen to crazy Stu.

    Nassar and I are supporting you, like a good friend would.

  4. Stu--My shame disappeared alongside that bacon and pie.

    Fawn & Mike--I heart you both :)

    Nate--When you get home, throw on a snuggie and eat some bacon and pie for dinner. I guarantee you will feel totally unemployed.

  5. All I could think of was how brave that woman was, smiling as that hideous chestburster was forcing its way out of her body.

    I'd be screaming.

  6. @nate: just wear the snuggie to work, and eat bacon at your desk. You'll be unemployed within the month. fer suuureee.

  7. Zebra print Snuggie? Amazing. Excellent expressions as always.

  8. At a glance, I keep thinking that's you in the first image...but then I'm like, "Megan wouldn't wear the RED Snuggie! She's definitely a zebra-print type of person."

  9. wow.really love your storytelling.

  10. The next thing to do is wear your zebra snuggie AND the choir red dress. TOGETHER.

  11. Bacon and pie doesn't sound so bad...

    I lived on top ramen and Kraft macaroni and cheese for a whole year after art school. and I'm a better man because of it!
