Thursday, October 11, 2012

DreamCon Post-It Caricature Show

A week ago, the studio hosted its fifth annual DreamCon. A few of us had a table to exhibit our first ever Story Department Post-it Caricature Gallery. Basically we had handed out 3x3 post it pads out to the story department a few weeks ago and told the artists to go bananas. We also hosted a couple of awesome lunchtime caricature drawing sessions, which were as fun as they were brutal. I think all of us who participated had a ton of fun, and hopefully we'll be able to do this more frequently!

Huge thanks to Dave Wolter, Steve MacLeod, and Glenn Harmon for being awesome co-curators and doing so many hysterical drawings. And thanks to Bob Logan, Ennio Torresan, Januel Mercado Vi-Dieu Nguyen, Le Tang, Tom Owens, Ryan Savas, and everyone else who came out to draw with us!!

Here was our main board, which we actually had printed at life size (please click to make bigger and see if you recognize anyone...or perhaps even yourself!):

A few photos from our first lunchtime session:

Here are some of mine:

Here are a couple of my faves..honestly, there were so many amazing, amazing drawings. I'll have to post more soon:
Ennio Torresan's interpretation of self....Horrifying and amazing. I am definitely going to have to sculpt this soon.

Ryan Savas' mixed media caricatures. The use of the brillo pad for Ennio's hair is genius.

Bob's drawing of me as ET...brilliant!!

Dave's incredibly accurate depiction of one Januel Mercado.

Glenn Harmon's drawing of a pensive Bob Logan.

And Vi, by Steve MacLeod.

And finally, we discovered that the post-it format allowed for some particularly hilarious photo opportunities. Enjoy the following glamor shots:

We also ended up doing a ton of caricatures for various DreamWorkers and guests at the show:


  1. "Have you seen this sex offender" HA HA!

  2. So fantastic!!! Caught up on a few of your recent posts...amazing work as usual! See you around!

  3. Ahaha awesome post!
    I love the glamour shots! !

  4. These are awesome! And looks like a great time.

  5. ahaha, love everything on your blog :)

  6. These are absolutely wonderful and inspiring!! <3 :) So glad to see these! :)
