Friday, October 19, 2012

The Spaciest Thing I Did All Week

Those who know me best know that I'm something of a space cadet. And now, some person in my building is also aware of this. What can I say, my brain likes to take vacations. I'm sad to say that this is not the first time I've tried to do this before...this was just the first time there was a witness.

Behold, my shame:


*uncomfortable fidgeting*


 I think I'm gonna just...
 ...the stairs are that way...

Sorry, neighbor. I'll bet you weren't expecting that awkward exchange when you went to buy your groceries.


  1. well ya but that dude's wearing a purse, so who's really the crazy one here? :P



  3. HAW! I heard the button push with a hollow echo and in slow motion.

  4. Stu--I think the technical term is "manbag" or "murse," Stu. Haha, but it was actually one of those canvas bags from the store.

    Chris--Thanks!!! That's a lot of HA's! :D

    Anthony--Yea, the look on his face pretty much told me that he was going to relay what he'd witnessed to his wife (or whoever the recipient of those orchids was) the moment he stepped into his apartment.

    Mike--Hahaha, that's pretty much how I experienced it....

  5. hahaha megan!!! Hilarious!! :D This is like me pressing Ctrl Z when I'm drawing on paper! :D

  6. aw, hahah! i don't know why there aren't universal life remotes yet, someone should definitely get on that!

  7. This is CRAZY inspiring! I've totally struck that pose where he tries to look like he's doing something before. So simple, yet beautifully done!

  8. HAHA I love the uncomfortable fidgeting.

  9. Hilarious!!! love it :) and the post-it post before this is amazing!

  10. I've missed your story-posts!! They're so inspiring and so gooood *____*

  11. oh crap, you're not alone. I try to open my front door with my car clicker every night. Funny story tellin'
