I went sketching with friends at the Americana the other night! I felt really rusty but I had a lot of fun. Check out Stu's awesome sketches from the night!:
oh man...these are awesome! And the sheep is just brilliant. I sure hope that's how the drive went....especially the driving on the right side of the car bit.
awesome stuff megan!!! I LOVE your gif animations!! They're so cool, seriously! And hilarious! Stu's sketches are really nice as well.. what medium is it sketched in? Marker?
did that really happen!!?? I mean the sheep
Hilarious gif!!! LOL!!!!!!!
awesome sketchs! also.....amazing gif! poor sheepies...
oh man...these are awesome! And the sheep is just brilliant. I sure hope that's how the drive went....especially the driving on the right side of the car bit.
Haha! Cracks me up. Great to see you posting regularly!
I really like how you use your black fills on your sketches.
You know it's windy when sheep are blowing by and there are no sheep in LA!
Looking at your sketches makes me wanna slow down and take my time - really pays off! :)
And that drive home! Crazy.
you're TROPPO BRAVA I'm your Fan
Beautiful sketches!
Amazing sketches Megan! So clean!
These are awesome sketches!!
I second Ryan Green that I really liked how you used your black fills. And the gif is super hilarious!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D Dang, your drawings are pretty rad too! haha you Dreamworks guys are amazing! *FOLLOWS/WATCHES/STALKS*
So SICK! I love your little Gifs and you killed that woman walking the lab. Where's the invite? Would love to go out the next time Megan.
Awesome sketches!? I really love the sheep flying onto your car! If you hadn't driven safely, there would be blood on your windshield.
haha, your gif perfectly summed up the weather that night! love the inks on your drawings and it was great fun sketching with ya! :)
awesome stuff megan!!! I LOVE your gif animations!! They're so cool, seriously! And hilarious! Stu's sketches are really nice as well.. what medium is it sketched in? Marker?
mega lol. why you hit sheep with car?
HAHAHA I'm gonna pretend to understand what's going on in that gif.
Tango--It's a 2000% accurate representation of what actually happened that night.
Aaron--Thank you! :)
Mike--Thanks so much sir! And glad to see the ninjas have returned!
Cheyenne--Thanks! Speaking of gifs, I absolutely love your little dancing girl gif
Matt--haha! ::facelpalm:: Man, I really need to learn how to draw cars
Everett--Thanks very much! It's good to be back :)
Octavio--Thank you!!
Stu--Wha? I think your sketches are awesome. And I wish I could draw lightning fast like you can.
Francesco--Grazie! :D
Justin--Thank you!
Tom--Thanks so much!
Tika--Thank you :D
Domee--Thanks!! You Pixar folks are ridiculously talented!
Chris--Thanks Chris! I'll post next time I plan on going to sketch maybe? Or add me if you're on facebook!
Jesse--I like to think that a fully formed wool sweater would be on my windshield rather than blood :)
Kyle--baaahaha, thanks!
Davin--Thanks! It was fun sketching with you guys too!
Nikhita--Thanks so much! We sketched with some Japanese pens. I like to use the sign pen (brush tip) and the Pentel pocket brush.
Josh--haha, thanks! I think the real question is is Wind, why you hit car with sheep?! (yಠ,ಠ)y
Damn girl, these are AWESOME!!!!
what pens/markers do you use? sharpies?
just awesome!
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