Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shark Week Pt 01

Some Shark Week Sketch Jam sketchbook doodles:

Day 1:  The Spotted Houndshark

Day 2:  The Bull Shark

Day 3: The Epaulette Shark

 Day 4:  The Wobbegong (or Carpet Shark)

I've got more of them I still need to scan. I also have more sharks to draw and more terrible jokes to write, so I'll be posting more soon. Happy Shark Week!!!


Kenji Ono said...

These are so FUNNY!
Beautiful drawings, Megan.

L Rossi said...

:D Man, shark week comes around quick doesn't it! Doesn't seem a few posts ago that I was checking out your drawings from the last one :P
These are wicked btw. BULLTRUE!!

samacleod said...


mybkexperience said...

I found this on internet and it is really very nice.
An excellent blog.
Great work!