The following happened during an ordinary lunch with my training buddies, the very talented David Wolter and Jim Hull.
I know this blog has been starting to gather dust, but I plan on posting more frequently in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here are some funny stories recently posted by friends:
Carrie--Hahaha, yes I think that story will have to be next!
Tung--yea...but when he reaches the beetle afterlife, he'll be able to tell all of the other beetles how exciting his death was.
Gabby--Thanks! An abundance of bugs is a true indicator that summer is here.
Danny--thanks sir!!
Nate--haha, thanks! That pigeon is seriously everywhere...
Chris--Oh, part 2 is coming :)
Chris Y--I'd like to blame all of my problems on that pigeon, he's such a pest. Training has been an absolute blast! I'm high on sharpie fumes, I have papercuts and push-pin puncture-wounds, and am loving every minute of it :)
Damn you got some big ass beetles in you country! I was terrified when I found out that they could fly. I thought they were ground living creatures until a year or so ago. Terrifying story youve illustrated but brilliant!
XD First off - that had to be one Hulk Hogan of Beetle!! Second - Absolutely terrific boards... so complete and full of life, and sequentially VERY satisfying!! :) L
hahaha that pigeon...devil pigeon! Please tell me he will continue to make appearances!
you should totally board out that knife story :P
Poor beetle. =|
haha I always look forward to your stories, that's hilarious. There's been a lot of bugs around everywhere lately..theyre out to get us!
awesome little set up with the pigeon! i can hear his little feet chattering through that shot. you are an awesome person...
LOL! But you didn't do that last part..... I see a part 2 in the near future ;)
Hahah blame it on the pigeon! How's the story training program going???
Carrie--Hahaha, yes I think that story will have to be next!
Tung--yea...but when he reaches the beetle afterlife, he'll be able to tell all of the other beetles how exciting his death was.
Gabby--Thanks! An abundance of bugs is a true indicator that summer is here.
Danny--thanks sir!!
Nate--haha, thanks! That pigeon is seriously everywhere...
Chris--Oh, part 2 is coming :)
Chris Y--I'd like to blame all of my problems on that pigeon, he's such a pest. Training has been an absolute blast! I'm high on sharpie fumes, I have papercuts and push-pin puncture-wounds, and am loving every minute of it :)
We went to eat lunch at a place on Sonora, there was beetles party from hell going on. These beetles must be related.
Cool drawings!
Stupid pigeon.
I see Dave has extra time on his hands......ha! jk.
no wonder why jim screamed like a twelve year old when that pigeon came back today.
Damn you got some big ass beetles in you country! I was terrified when I found out that they could fly. I thought they were ground living creatures until a year or so ago. Terrifying story youve illustrated but brilliant!
First off - that had to be one Hulk Hogan of Beetle!!
Second - Absolutely terrific boards... so complete and full of life, and sequentially VERY satisfying!! :)
HAHAHA I like the last panel...
This is really funny! Great storyboard!
I love the shot of the beetle flying over the pigeon's head. genius!
Haha! Hilariously drawn! :)
realllly awesome! and cool compositions. :)
hahahaha this is awesome, Megan :D
HAHA that is so awesome!! Dave's faces are so great!
hahahahahaha nicee! this makes me happy:)
great stuff megan. And congrats on finishing the story initiative XD
that was pretty awesome!
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